fs-Laser Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials

24. Yuqiao Zhang*, Hai Jun Cho, Kenyu Sugo, Masashi Mikami, Sungmin Woo, Myung-Chul Jung, Yao-Hua Zhuang, Bin Feng, Yu-Miin Sheu*, Woosuck Shin, Woo Seok Choi, Myung Joon Han, Yuichi Ikuhara, and Hiromichi Ohta*, "Low thermal conductivity of SrTiO3−LaTiO3 and SrTiO3−SrNbO3 thermoelectric oxide solid solutions", J Am Ceram Soc., 2021;00:1–11 (2021).
23. Hai Jun Cho*, Yuzhang Wu, Yu‐Qiao Zhang, Bin Feng, Masashi Mikami, Woosuck Shin, Yuichi Ikuhara, Yu‐Miin Sheu, Keiji Saito, and Hiromichi Ohta, “Anomalously Low Heat Conduction in Single‐Crystal Superlattice Ceramics Lower Than Randomly Oriented Polycrystals” Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 2001932 (2021).
22. Gowoon Kim*, Bin Feng, Yu-Miin Sheu, Hai Jun Cho, Yuichi Ikuhara, and Hiromichi Ohta*,”Coexistence of High Electron Conduction and Low Heat Conduction in Tungsten Oxide Epitaxial Films with 1D Atomic Defect Tunnels”, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2, 2507 (2020).
21. Y. M. Sheu*, Y. M. Chang, C. P. Chang, Y. H. Li, K. R. Babu, G.Y. Guo,
T. Kurumaji, and Y. Tokura, “Picosecond creation of switchable optomagnets from a polar antiferromagnet with giant photoinduced Kerr rotations”,
Physical Review X 9, 031038 (2019).
20. Gowoon Kim, Hai Jun Cho*, Yu-Miin Sheu, Hiromichi Ohta*,“Electrical, Optical, and Thermal Transport Properties of Oxygen-Deficient Amorphous WOx (2.5 < x < 3) Films” J. Phys. Chem. C 123,25,15419 (2019).
19. Y. M. Sheu*, N. Ogawa, Y. Tokunaga, H. C. Chan, and Y. Tokura, "Selective probe of coherent polar phonon and quasiferromagnetic resonance modes in multiferroic GdFeO3"
Physical Review B: Rapid Communications 98, 100301(R) (2018)
18. Y. M. Sheu*, S. A. Trugman, A. P. Chen, Q. X. Jia, A. J. Taylor, and R. P. Prasankumar, “Unraveling thickness-dependent spin relaxation in colossal magnetoresistance manganite films” Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 012402 (2018)
17. Yuqiao Zhang, Bin Feng, Hiroyuki Hayashi, Cheng-Ping Chang,
Yu-Miin Sheu, Isao Tanaka, Yuichi Ikuhara, Hiromichi Ohta*,
“Double thermoelectric power factor of a 2D electron system”
Nature Communications 9, 2224 (2018).
16. Y. M. Sheu*, N. Ogawa, Y. Kaneko, and Y. Tokura,
"Photocreating supercooled spiral-spin states in a multiferroic manganite", Physical Review B: Rapid Communications 94, 081107(R) (2016).
15. Y. M. Sheu*, S. A. Trugman, L. Yan, Q. X. Jia, A. J. Taylor, and R. P. Prasankumar, “Using ultrashort optical pulses to couple ferroelectric and ferromagnetic order in an oxide heterostructure”,
Nature Communications 5:5832 (2014).
14. Y. M. Sheu*, S. A. Trugman, L. Yan, J. Qi, Q. X. Jia, A. J. Taylor, and R. P. Prasankumar, ”Polaronic transport induced by competing interfacial magnetic order in a La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/BiFeO3 heterostructure”,
Physical Review X 4, 021001 (2014).
13. Y. M. Sheu*, S. A. Trugman, L. Yan, Q. X. Jia, A. J. Taylor, and R. P. Prasankumar, ”Photo-induced stabilization and enhancement of the ferroelectric polarization in Ba0.1Sr0.9TiO3 /La0.7Ca(Sr)0.3MnO3 thin film heterostructures”,
Physical Review B: Rapid Communications 88, 020101(R) (2013).
12. Y. M. Sheu*, Y. J. Chien, C. Uher, S. Fahy, and D. A. Reis,
”Free-carrier relaxation and lattice heating in photoexcited bismuth”,
Physical Review B 87, 075429 (2013).
11. J. Chen, M. Trigo, S. Fahy, E. D. Murray, Y. M. Sheu, T. Graber, R. Henning, Y. J. Chien, C. Uher, and D. A. Reis, ”Time and momentum resolved probe of nonequilibrium phonons and heat diffusion in photo-excited Bismuth”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 181903 (2013).
10. Y. M. Sheu*, S. A. Trugman, Y.-S. Park, S. Lee, H. T. Yi, S.-W. Cheong, Q. X. Jia, A. J. Taylor, and R. P. Prasankumar, ”Ultrafast carrier dynamics and radiative recombination in multiferroic BiFeO3”,
Applied Physics Letters 100, 242904 (2012).
9. D. A. Walko*, Y. M. Sheu, M. Trigo, D. A. Reis, ”Thermal transport in thin films measured by time-resolved, grazing incidence x-ray diffraction”,
J. Appl. Phys. 110, 102203 (2011).
8. Y. M. Sheu*, M. Trigo, Y. J. Chien, C. Uher, D. A. Arms, E. R. Peterson, D. A. Walko, E. C. Landahl, J. Chen, S. Ghimire, and D. A. Reis,
”Kapitza conductance of Bi/sapphire interface studied by depth- and time-resolved x-ray diffraction”, Solid State Comm. 151, 826 (2011).
7. M. Trigo*, J. Chen, V. H. Vishwanath, Y. M. Sheu, T. Graber, R. Henning, and D. A. Reis, ”Imaging nonequilibrium atomic vibrations with x-ray diffuse scattering”, Physical Review B 82 (23), 235205, (2010).
6. M. Trigo*, Y. M. Sheu, D. A. Arms, J. Chen, S. Ghimire, R. S. Goldman, E. Landahl, R. Merlin, E. Peterson, M. Reason, and D. A. Reis, ”Probing unfolded acoustic phonons with x rays”, Physical Review Letters 101, 025505, (2008). (Selected for a focus in physics)
5. Y. M. Sheu*, S. H. Lee, J. K. Wahlstrand, D. A. Walko, E. C. Landahl, D. A. Arms, M. Reason, R. S. Goldman, and D. A. Reis, ”Thermal transport in a semiconductor heterostructure measured by time-resolved x-ray diffraction”, Physical Review B 78, 045317, (2008).
4. Vladimir A. Stoica*, Yu-Miin Sheu, David A. Reis, and Roy Clarke,
”Wideband detection of transient solid-state dynamics using ultrafast fiber lasers and asynchronous optical sampling” Optics express 16, 2322, (2008).
3. H. J. Chang, Y. M. Sheu, and Y. F. Chen,”Optical anisotropy induced by pyramidal defects in Mg-doped AlGaN/GaN superlattices”,
Journal of Applied Physics 100, 066107, (2006).
2. T. Y. Lin, Y. M. Sheu, and Y. F. Chen,”Origin of blue-band emission from Mg-doped Al0.15Ga0.85N/GaN superlattices”,
Applied Physics Letters 88, 081912, (2006).
1. T. Y. Lin, Y. M. Sheu, Y. F. Chen, J. Y. Lin, and H. X. Jiang,
”Optical properties of GaN/AlN multiple quantum wells”,
Solid State Communications 131, 389, (2004).